This is one of the most important pages on our platform and we recommend that each and every customer reads through in order to understand our payment methods, how our payment works and how to complete payment before placing your order.
Firstly, we will like to state out our primary methods of payment . However, if you do not see it here that does not mean that we do not accept it as this list is only a list of our primary methods of payment. Note that payments are not automatic so with all payment methods you will have to manually send payment
Zelle or Zellepay
Zelle or Zelle Pay is a fast and secure money transfer system within bank within minutes which only requires just your email or phone number. It is fast, reliable, safe and secure and unlike the traditional banking system which takes days it moves money from bank to bank in almost an instant or within seconds.
How To Pay With Zelle
With Zelle, all you need is our email address for payment. If your bank offers Zelle then you will find the Zelle option in your banking app or internet bank platform. On the checkout page you will find the option ” Pay With Zelle “. Select that and you will see the instructions providing you with our Zelle email address which you just have to copy, log into your banking app, select zelle, select send money, enter our zelle email address and amount and click send and once payment is sent you, our service email or live chat or whatsapp with your address and your order number
However, if your bank does not offer Zelle Pay you do not need to worry. Just download the Zelle app, sign up and link your credit or debit card and send money to our zelle email address. You can check if you bank offers zelle at
Cash App.
Owned by Square Incorporation, the Cash App is one of our most preferred method of payment because just like PayPal it is safe , Instant and supported world Wide
How To Pay Through The Cash App.
The Cash App is a green app with the $ sign in the center as the logo. It is first time friendly and ready to go within a minute. If you already have the app then we assume you know how to send payment through the app so you will only need our cashtag (cash app username) which will appear on the screen after the checkout page if you select ‘Cash App Payment” on the checkout page. If you do not yet have the cash app no worries, just go to your app store and type in “Cash App” in the search bar, download the app, sign up with your phone number or email, link your credit or debit card the copy and send payment to our cashtag (cash app username) which appears after the checkout page if you selected Cash App payment on the checkout page and when payment is sent, send us a screenshot of the transaction to our service email or live chat or whatsapp with your address and your order number
Visit our bitcoin guide page to guide you through how to paywith bitcoins or buy bitcoins
For lovers of the crypto currency world , we provide you the possibility f paying through the most popular and safest crypto currency. However, note that Bitcoins is not first time friendly so if you do not already have a Bitcoins account and/or Bitcoins then this is NOT for you
How To Pay Through Bitcoins.
Bitcoins is the safest method of payment online since it is untraceable and not regulated by any banking authorities. However, if you have a Bitcoins account and/or Bitcoins then you already know how to send payments so all you will need will be our Bitcoins wallet address which will appear on the screen after the checkout page if you select Bitcoins Payment on the checkout page. However, if you do not already have an account then you can simply and quickly sign up with www, and buy bitcoins instantly or also from and we be good to be within minutes or you can use or please dont forget to ask us a bitcoin wallet Addres